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Deny Buddy

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Deny Buddy Description

"Deny Buddy" refers to an entire range of programs or websites that can be used to remove one's Instant Messenger ID (usually Yahoo!) from another person's buddy list. Although some of these programs are not malicious (YBuddy being an example of a legitimate product), many others are hosted on illicit servers that makes use of undocumented exploits.

"Deny Buddy" websites are usually scams intended to get you to type in your IM login information so that it may be used by others. "Deny Buddy" programs are even more of a threat - they often contain embedded spyware or viruses.

Before attempting to use any "deny buddy" software, it is best to have working antivirus and antispyware software installed.

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Last Updated on January 11, 2006 09:36 PM ?|?TrackBack

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