From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 14:32:17 Pacific Time, Monday, 21 February 2005.

Learning QuickTime 5 Pro

   by Sean Blumenthal

    01 April, 2001


   Usually ships in 24 hours

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Editorial description(s):

Book Description
Learning QuickTime 5 Pro with Sean Blumenthal is a CD-ROM-based tutorial developed for beginning - advanced QuickTime users. QuickTime is not only a rich multimedia environment, but a highly effective authoring tool. This disc will walk you through how to use this authoring tool to create the multimedia experience you want to deliver, whether you are publishing your content to the Web or a CD-ROM. Topics covered include: Controlling media playback within QuickTime, Multi-Track editing within the QT player, creating chapter points for your media, localizing your media or adding special tracks for impaired audiences, creating 360o QuickTime VR, publishing your QuickTime media to the web the right way, and much more.
Running Time: 3 hours.

Reader review(s):

(none available)

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