From the book lists at Adware Report:

All information current as of 14:25:44 Pacific Time, Monday, 21 February 2005.

Law, Law, Law on the Internet: The Best Legal Web Sites and More

   by Erik J. Heels / Richard P. Klau / Erik Heels / Richard Klau

    American Bar Association (NBN)
    01 March, 1998


   Usually ships in 1 to 2 months

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Editorial description(s):

(none available)

Reader review(s):

Excellent, November 18, 1999
The author is a wonderful writer and they new what they were talking about. it was a very interesting experience

A Winner From Two Veteran Internet Lawyers, February 14, 1999
Erik Heels, author of the first serious Internet legal research bibliography, and Rick Klau, another Net pioneer, are lawyers who are uniquely well qualified to understand the Internet and explain it to others.

This book has many useful points, not the least of which is that it serves as a field manual for lawyers interested in establishing or upgrading their own Internet sites.

The authors' reviews of law firm web sites, at their own web site, have been deservedly influential.

In general, I am not enthusiastic about paper books that are merely catalogs of web sites. This book is different because the authors add value through analysis and judgment.

Jerry Lawson

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