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VisualBasic .NET for Dummies

   by Wallace Wang

    For Dummies
    15 November, 2001


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Editorial description(s):

Book Info
Offers a fun and creative environment for developing programs with Visual Basic.NET. Explains this popular language in terms that non-programmers and first-time Visual Basic programmers can understand. Softcover. CD-ROM included.

From the Back Cover
Dive into object-oriented programming and other VB .NET features

Create Basic programs with Microsoft's new .NET framework

The pain-free way to get up to speed on the new Visual Basic .NET Do you want to write Windows programs but don't know where to start? Relax! From creating menus and writing code to working with loops, subrouting, and object-oriented techniques, this friendly guide is just what you need to tap the power of Visual Basic .NET.

The Dummies Way Explanations in plain English "Get in, get out" information Icons and other navigational aids Tear-out cheat sheet Top ten lists A dash of humor and fun

Get smart! @

About the Author
Wallace Wang is the bestselling author of Beginning Programming For Dummies, 2nd Edition, Steal This Computer Book 2, and many other books. In addition to writing computer books, he also performs stand-up comedy in Las Vegas and has appeared on the TV show A&E's "Evening at the Improv."

Book Description
Would you like to write Windows programs but don’t know where to start?

Visual Basic. NET, the latest distribution of Microsoft’s programming language was designed to let anybody—even people with no prior programming experience—create sophisticated programs with stunning user interfaces, quickly and easily. A true marvel of computing technology, Visual Basic .NET combines BASIC, the only programming language specifically designed to teach beginners how to program, with a completely intuitive drawing program that lets you create cool user interfaces without having to write a single line of code.

Written by computer book author and well-known stand-up comic Wallace Wang, Visual Basic .NET For Dummies offers you a fun and easy way to master VB .NET programming. Featuring crystal-clear explanations along with dozens of working examples, it gives you what you need to tap the power of Visual Basic .NET.  In no time you’ll:

Visual Basic .NET For Dummies was designed to give you the confidence and skills you need to start building Windows programs right away—not turn you into a computer scientist. To that end, it features hands-on, jargon-free coverage of the full range of practical VB .NET topics, including:

Visual Basic .NET For Dummies is the pain-free way to get up to speed on Visual Basic programming and all the new features in Visual Basic .NET.

Reader review(s):

Barely for beginners..., February 18, 2003
I have another of Wallace Wang's books--"Steal this Book," which I found amusing and useful, and in my search for something to supplement a poorly written text for a class in, ran across this. I am dissappointed and have to agree with the other reviewer here who noted something like "why use 50 pages for what you can do in 350." The text is the most basic I have seen out of greater than twenty (I've looked at), and uses over the first half of the book just explaining why a programmer might like to align his objects and basic tripe like this. For non-designers even, this is poorly written. The reader won't get into anything really useful until the book is almost complete and then you'll be like "what the..."

I needed a reference because the text I'm using by Diane Zak, did not even explain the most basic things like "why define a variable" and honestly, for ten dollars less than the Wang book, Sybex' "Visual Basic .NET Complete" is a bargain and even has this question indexed! I like "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Visual Basic .NET" for a beginners book, by Clayton Walnum, though I'm still reviewing it, and there's a multitiude of good high-end works on the subject. Wallace Wang really needs to reassess this technical end, because the entire compilation of information in this book was covered in the first couple of chapters in Zak's. One extreme to the other. Both inadequate. I would be hard pressed recommending this for even a "dummie."

This book is practical, clear, a good book to start, December 23, 2001
As a programmer of VB 6 (since VB1) I needed update informations on the new VB Net.

The author W.Wang explain directly what you need to know without loosing you in useless comments or philosophy. In each chapter, you will find clear examples and clear explanations.

This book is a good book to start and to continue for most of your project.You may even use this book as a reference near your desk for the every day work.

You will probably still need another book if you need to program database or ASP or for cross reference...(like "Visual Basic.Net database programming for dummies". This book is well made as well.)

In conclusion, This book is practical, clear, a good place to start and to continue to program for most of your project.

Emmanuel Evrard

For Dummies....., June 3, 2002
Having no experience in programming, this book provided an excellent introduction to VB.NET. I had looked some other books but found them to be written for programmers, not newbies. I gave this book a 4 because although it does deliver the basics of VB.NET in a easy to understand way, it has some worthless examples. I can understand some simple examples not to confuse the reader, but I also want steady progression throughout the book to some half-way decent real-world examples. If you get this book, which I do recommend for newbies, supplement it with one of the books from the big guns (Wrox, O'Reilly etc...).

Buyer beware, No CD with this book!, January 9, 2002
Buyer beware! If your purpose in purchasing this book is for the suite of software the 'Dummies' series offers on CD, then look elsewhere. This book DOES NOT contain a CD!

Otherwise, I thought the material presented here is standard within the 'Dummies' series. Given the price, it's not a bad bargain to get a bare-bones, simplistic introduction to VB.NET.

However, if you're an experienced programmer and want more detailed information, I would consider the VB.NET series by Wrox Press.

Why put in 50 pages what you can use 350 for?, October 3, 2002
For non-programmers who won't need to DO any VB programming. Much of content is repetitive and did I say repetitive? Examples are useless and do absolutely nothing you'd ever want to actually do. No CD with book, but you don't need one since code is as advertized, for idiots. On some of the more complex issues (the few he covers) I found treatment confusing and generated many more questions than it answered. I did enjoy the author's "flippant" tone. This may be the place you want to start if you are a computerphobic who's determined to start programming. Its almost painless and just as useful.

Good Beginners book, June 16, 2004
If you have never programmed in VB than this is a great introduction to the VB and .NET. If you are a programmer, this is probably not the book you want. It is VERY VERY basic. There is no real life code examples.
Good for it's humor but not technical enough for a seasoned programmer.

QBASIC to VB .NET in 60 Seconds (Well almost!), April 24, 2004
Highly recommended for us old school programmers stuck in time still developing for the COMMAND shell. Easy reading that quickly made it apparent to me that the transition to Windows application development wasn't going to be nearly as traumatic as I first thought. In my humble opinion this book is a valuable starting point to an inevitable journey for us dinosaurs.

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